When you decide what setup to get, experiment with it in order to find what works best before you move your snake into it. To much substrate might stop all the heat from getting through, depends on how deep, what wattage heat cord, how well insulated your enclosure is. Hope that is of some use to you, Good luck.
I have found that using dimmers on the lights, the bulbs last longer as i never need to run them on full power. They are also run through a dimmer switch so i can adjust how much heat they emit. I also have just an ordinary incandecent light set up on a timer in each enclosure, mainly to provide a day, night cycle but it also provides aditional heat during the day.

Secondly, I run the heat cord through an ordinary incandecent light dimmer switch so i can adjust the temperature manualy, but a good thermostat would be even better. I would not recomend using any type of sticky tape inside the enclosure were the snake can come into contact with it. This gives the snake a hot and a cold end in order to thermoregulate. The floors in my enclosures are removable 6mm thick glass panels, so i lay the cord in rows about 3cm apart, covering slightly less than 1/2 of the floor area. Firstly, I use aluminium tape (from any hardware store) to attach it directly to the under side of the floor in my enclosures.